Friday, September 25, 2009

Live it up...

I'd received this message from a lotta people goes like:
"We die to finish school..Die to start college...Die to start working....Then die to marry..then die to retire,,,and finally while dying we realise that we forgot to something...Forgot to LIVE".
Awesome quote i must say...Doesn't each one of us kinda do that..True True True...N yea this kinda looks like a sequel to the earlier blog change-the only constant ..but it isn't..its on different lines!!
Who wouldn't want to live a life that other people look and say.."Oh whatta life!!!"...envy u, take tips from u,ask u"how do u manage this happy life"....but no one does ask us..coz we aren't living a life people would envy.
But then how does one live that sorta life..Theoretically very simple:
Do what you wish to,Dont care about what people say or think about you..etc,etc.
But practically these things are not really possible..c'mon how can one do things one wishes to all the can one not care what people think about them...accept it..we ain't no Gods.
But there has to be a way to it..and an easy one..After all what happened to all those phrases that we are the own Michelangelo's of our life is what you make it to be,,and so on..
So lets think what to do we really want in life..Love,success...or rather something more less complex..simply something that makes us happy..something that keeps us chirpy..a never dying zing in us that goes on and on..a happy aura that never fades,,even if there are moments of sadness,,there be thing that makes sure its short-lasting..

And honestly all this can be cooked with a simple recipe,,which if stuck to.. can somewhere create the life we always wish for..(at least i think so)

1.Laugh as often as you can-
It is infectious to yourself and others..not only will you start measuring things less strictly as you used to and others too will laugh along..and who does not remember those times forever when you laughed at the most inappropriate time..when you wish you hadn't had a mouth..which would showcase the fun you are

2.Try to do things u truly love.
This is can be listening to songs you like, watch movies you like,meet people who make you happy,go to places on a holiday you love to, eat stuff you normally avoid(obviously do this less often..else you'll end up with a looong phase of sadness when you have shed all the weight you put on due to this happy activity:) )

3.Always remember some person you know, loves you more than you think..
Now this is cent per cent true,,we give ourselves far less credit than what we think we are..and always incase of every1 there are people who love you more than you its not romantic love I'm talking of..its not LOVE as we know it.,,its care(read love) that it is in simpler words.

4.Be weird whenever you have the chance to.
Do things you'd normally expect from yourself..It'll obviously give you a high..and others might sigh..and you might even hurt yourself probably in the process..but he who has had no pain has had no gain.

5.Celebrate the smallest things in life..(even if u get a lecture off!!)..awesomely therapeutic!!

6.Hold on to good friends..they are few..
This is not easy as it sounds..coz life makes sure people move away physically and emotionally..but try to hold on..there is nothing better than telling new stories to a old friend and realising somethings in life never change!!

But u know honestly all this is something i myself don't do..I don't know if any1 else will benefit from this or even care to read this..( I secretly wish a lotta people do'll make me HAPPY and that's what this blog is all about...but shsssshh!!! its a secret).
But honestly I'm doing this for that i go through this..remember that at one point I'd come up with this instant recipe to have a wonderful life..and think hell "doosro ko philosophy mat jhaadd...khud bhi kuch seekh")..

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