Sunday, February 14, 2010

The feeling called LOVE

Its been really long since the last time i blogged..but i havent found any topic worth podering over enough to be convinced enough to write an article on it. But today, the date being such, it compels you to atleast think once about the word that makes the whole world go round and round..The word being LOVE.
What is must it be to be in love.I've been the biggest fan of romantic stories since i can remember. And since i am in confession mood, I'll tell you that i completely believe in every larger than life depiction of love.From bollywood extravaganzas to hollywood subtle high school romances, from pichle janams.. to agle janam stories..i can buy it all..if sold in the name of a love story.
It's a fascination for i think most girls(and possibly some guys) to have a fairytale romance, the kinds in which everything falls into place just right,obviously after a series of things which make you lose faith in the love your chasing.
SO alright getting back to where i'd actually started from, What it must be to be in love. Now i'll tell you what it is or it must be to be in love from my point of view.( N please dont try guess throughtout the blog if i have been or am in love..thats something you shouldnt bother too much about ok,,concentrate on what your feeling about yourself right now!!)
When you see that person, may be an old friend, or a person you've met for the first time..The first time you catch yourself staring at that person with this thought on your mind.."Is it possible im in love with this person??"..Then my friend your on track to make a love story of your own..Hopefully with happy ending..or god forbid sad ending..But the stage definately is set after that thought. Henceforth everything that person does, becomes of top importance. If he(sorry male readers you hav to add that s prior to he to be able to relate a little to this blog) talks to you in the most normal way, you might jus think otherwise from that day on.You become concious of every move you make in the presence of that person..and with high chances of doing everything wrong..and then cursing yourself for being well jus plain goofy.You'll make every possible arrangemnt to be able to meet him jus once..but when that moment finally comes'll behave awkwardly..ughh!! that frustated feeling..
And i dont really know with how many people this is true,,but i can vouch for a thing..suddenly every song(mostly romantic song) you hear seems to be telling the exact story thats on your mind..And though this is highly filmy but you start imagining yourself in the literally.
And then slowly things will fall into place..Your angels will finally start taking care of you..and the ooposite person will start behaving exactly the way you want him to behave.
Then you will FLIRT. I'm sure this is the most Entertaining, romantic,cute,funny,happy phase of any love story. Its that phase which you desperately want to end coz its the path to the destination..that is the confession of the fact you'll love each other..But also you never want it to end for the sheer thrill it provides..The graph in the flirting phase has peaks you'd not even see in an athlete's heart beat graph just after the biggest race of his life(ok i realise this is a bit exaggerated ;) ). When the confession does become the luckiest person on earth, the person whose achieved it all..The kind of momentary felling of being on top of the world.And then you have a love story. Now the courtship phase is something im not dealing with right least in this im not getting into that.

So, this is what i think is the way the beginning of a love story is/must be. But it is also true, that everybody has their own unique love story,so this is not a universal stamp on how a love story should be..Its just my humble interpretation of the strongest emotion...LOVE


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love is not in totality a fairy tale. I believe that love is more about adjustments and compromises, about troughs and turbulence. The love one desires is hardly the love they get, but as a race dependent on the externalities, we need the affirmation more than anything. Love should be defined as a 'harmony of emotional chaos'. :)

  3. Well said, the last line. I understand love aint no fairytale on the whole, But it is the much needed magic in any other wise mugger life. What follows the magic is a lot of heartache, compromises and adjustments.

  4. I can see a PhD abstract hiding right inside - few more concrete case studies and it's done!!
