Wednesday, January 23, 2013

That one little miracle

Off late, with the monotony of a job life and the lack of any random pleasant surprises, I have really been hoping for my angels to swing back into action and do that little magic they do every once in a while which i call my "moment of miracle"
Dont we all wait for that one little miracle every once in the middle of our monotonous predictable days. .How many such moments can you remember,eh? Landing the dream job/college, Winning that 1st prize,getting lucky in a lucky draw or lottery,  or smaller miracles like finding the perfect dress/shoe, in the perfect size and the last piece on sale(this happened with me recently),the crush approaches you first, rainfall at the perfect moment and so on.
Something...Anything that is magical , unexpected and totally pleasant would do.It need not even be earth shatteringly awesome. It could be something small but magical, bizzare but fun or it could be one of those quietly, safely kept deep sweet wishes in the corner of our hearts that we harbour for the longest times finally come true. Anything would do sir!
 I think we all need it to keep us going with that little extra zing in our walk,  twinkle in our eye,spunk in our moves and song in our sounds. It makes us believe that there is more to life than what we think there is, that "Sabr ka phall meetha hota hai" and that if we truly with all our hearts let out the wish secretly, it is fulfilled.These "moments of miracles", are rare and very discreet. If you are not concious , you may not even realise when they happened and changed your life in their merry ways. But then when you look back days,months,years later you see them and tell yourself "ah, that was a moment worth reliving". Those my friend were the moments of miracles , that happened when you were too busy looking elsewhere maybe for bigger miracles or following the monotony of life. 
So harbour those little wishes , send them out through the carriers(eyelashes,wishing well,shooting stars, whatever works for you). Send them out and forget about them. But when you see them coming true, maybe much later in their own ways, make sure that you LIVE that moment. And recharge yourself for the monotony again. Because these miracle moments are rare, precious and very special much like the shooting stars themselves ;-)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Grow Up!

Life’s not fair is it?

Every time we try giving life another proves to us it dint deserve one...The spider climbs two steps up...only to realise he fell 3 steps back..

Try Try till u Succeed..Or more like "Oye u STILL trying?? Haha"

A lot of hopes, fantasies slowly start to fade away...n every thing that once seemed like a possible dream...starts to become an impossible reality...

If only we could capture those moments of life where hopes are redefined...joys are maginfied and glory occurs!!

But we learn that whatever rises falls, every day has a night...every silver lining has a cloud...

Sounds Pessimistic eh?

It is indeed..During the turns n twists of life...during the moods and agonies...the pain and bleeding...every one GROWS UP...

We truly with all our soul believe as kids that when we grow up...We will change...become stronger better people who can take on the world...beat up the bully who ate your a thumb to the one who stole the show of your Barbie...rise and shine!

But as we grow up...these problems multiply...become more complex and almost impossible to trace back in a manner where any sort of direct revenge seems impossible...

They say every time u act "kiddish/immature" to grow up..

But if by grow up they mean that no matter how complicated things get at the base the top remains serene...

No matter how ugly the face is...

The mask remains beautifully flawless.

Then maybe growing up isn’t such a good idea...Maybe the kid in u needs to live a full life...

A life which ends only with u...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The feeling called LOVE

Its been really long since the last time i blogged..but i havent found any topic worth podering over enough to be convinced enough to write an article on it. But today, the date being such, it compels you to atleast think once about the word that makes the whole world go round and round..The word being LOVE.
What is must it be to be in love.I've been the biggest fan of romantic stories since i can remember. And since i am in confession mood, I'll tell you that i completely believe in every larger than life depiction of love.From bollywood extravaganzas to hollywood subtle high school romances, from pichle janams.. to agle janam stories..i can buy it all..if sold in the name of a love story.
It's a fascination for i think most girls(and possibly some guys) to have a fairytale romance, the kinds in which everything falls into place just right,obviously after a series of things which make you lose faith in the love your chasing.
SO alright getting back to where i'd actually started from, What it must be to be in love. Now i'll tell you what it is or it must be to be in love from my point of view.( N please dont try guess throughtout the blog if i have been or am in love..thats something you shouldnt bother too much about ok,,concentrate on what your feeling about yourself right now!!)
When you see that person, may be an old friend, or a person you've met for the first time..The first time you catch yourself staring at that person with this thought on your mind.."Is it possible im in love with this person??"..Then my friend your on track to make a love story of your own..Hopefully with happy ending..or god forbid sad ending..But the stage definately is set after that thought. Henceforth everything that person does, becomes of top importance. If he(sorry male readers you hav to add that s prior to he to be able to relate a little to this blog) talks to you in the most normal way, you might jus think otherwise from that day on.You become concious of every move you make in the presence of that person..and with high chances of doing everything wrong..and then cursing yourself for being well jus plain goofy.You'll make every possible arrangemnt to be able to meet him jus once..but when that moment finally comes'll behave awkwardly..ughh!! that frustated feeling..
And i dont really know with how many people this is true,,but i can vouch for a thing..suddenly every song(mostly romantic song) you hear seems to be telling the exact story thats on your mind..And though this is highly filmy but you start imagining yourself in the literally.
And then slowly things will fall into place..Your angels will finally start taking care of you..and the ooposite person will start behaving exactly the way you want him to behave.
Then you will FLIRT. I'm sure this is the most Entertaining, romantic,cute,funny,happy phase of any love story. Its that phase which you desperately want to end coz its the path to the destination..that is the confession of the fact you'll love each other..But also you never want it to end for the sheer thrill it provides..The graph in the flirting phase has peaks you'd not even see in an athlete's heart beat graph just after the biggest race of his life(ok i realise this is a bit exaggerated ;) ). When the confession does become the luckiest person on earth, the person whose achieved it all..The kind of momentary felling of being on top of the world.And then you have a love story. Now the courtship phase is something im not dealing with right least in this im not getting into that.

So, this is what i think is the way the beginning of a love story is/must be. But it is also true, that everybody has their own unique love story,so this is not a universal stamp on how a love story should be..Its just my humble interpretation of the strongest emotion...LOVE

Friday, September 25, 2009

Live it up...

I'd received this message from a lotta people goes like:
"We die to finish school..Die to start college...Die to start working....Then die to marry..then die to retire,,,and finally while dying we realise that we forgot to something...Forgot to LIVE".
Awesome quote i must say...Doesn't each one of us kinda do that..True True True...N yea this kinda looks like a sequel to the earlier blog change-the only constant ..but it isn't..its on different lines!!
Who wouldn't want to live a life that other people look and say.."Oh whatta life!!!"...envy u, take tips from u,ask u"how do u manage this happy life"....but no one does ask us..coz we aren't living a life people would envy.
But then how does one live that sorta life..Theoretically very simple:
Do what you wish to,Dont care about what people say or think about you..etc,etc.
But practically these things are not really possible..c'mon how can one do things one wishes to all the can one not care what people think about them...accept it..we ain't no Gods.
But there has to be a way to it..and an easy one..After all what happened to all those phrases that we are the own Michelangelo's of our life is what you make it to be,,and so on..
So lets think what to do we really want in life..Love,success...or rather something more less complex..simply something that makes us happy..something that keeps us chirpy..a never dying zing in us that goes on and on..a happy aura that never fades,,even if there are moments of sadness,,there be thing that makes sure its short-lasting..

And honestly all this can be cooked with a simple recipe,,which if stuck to.. can somewhere create the life we always wish for..(at least i think so)

1.Laugh as often as you can-
It is infectious to yourself and others..not only will you start measuring things less strictly as you used to and others too will laugh along..and who does not remember those times forever when you laughed at the most inappropriate time..when you wish you hadn't had a mouth..which would showcase the fun you are

2.Try to do things u truly love.
This is can be listening to songs you like, watch movies you like,meet people who make you happy,go to places on a holiday you love to, eat stuff you normally avoid(obviously do this less often..else you'll end up with a looong phase of sadness when you have shed all the weight you put on due to this happy activity:) )

3.Always remember some person you know, loves you more than you think..
Now this is cent per cent true,,we give ourselves far less credit than what we think we are..and always incase of every1 there are people who love you more than you its not romantic love I'm talking of..its not LOVE as we know it.,,its care(read love) that it is in simpler words.

4.Be weird whenever you have the chance to.
Do things you'd normally expect from yourself..It'll obviously give you a high..and others might sigh..and you might even hurt yourself probably in the process..but he who has had no pain has had no gain.

5.Celebrate the smallest things in life..(even if u get a lecture off!!)..awesomely therapeutic!!

6.Hold on to good friends..they are few..
This is not easy as it sounds..coz life makes sure people move away physically and emotionally..but try to hold on..there is nothing better than telling new stories to a old friend and realising somethings in life never change!!

But u know honestly all this is something i myself don't do..I don't know if any1 else will benefit from this or even care to read this..( I secretly wish a lotta people do'll make me HAPPY and that's what this blog is all about...but shsssshh!!! its a secret).
But honestly I'm doing this for that i go through this..remember that at one point I'd come up with this instant recipe to have a wonderful life..and think hell "doosro ko philosophy mat jhaadd...khud bhi kuch seekh")..

Change--The only constant

Nothing is permanent,nothing is constant..I've heard this phrase time and again and after pondering over it..i kinda realised it makes sense..a hell lotta sense,,
As humans we enjoy both change and consistency..But in both cases we have a major conditions apply# and i.e if there is a should be better than the existing condition...and if there is consistency,,then it should be because any change cannot be better than that condition,,
But in 99% cases we do hope for changes..probably because we live on the theory of hope..the cliche that grass is always greener on the other side. However when things do change, we realise that what we had wished for,hoped for, doesnt necessarily make us happier or contented. Infact, many a times change also lets us go of the warm,cozy atmosphere that we create around us during the constant period.
I'd always myself wanted a good mix of change and consistency in my life. I'd always hoped that the good things in my life would never change and that would include the people i love,the reasons people love me. These being the prime aspects as i've always been a person who defines life through the people i've been with.Nothing supersedes the importance of people close to me.
But everything does change,it is mandatory,change is in every sense of the word 'ineveitable'.
People who at one point are everything to you, cease to even exist for you after a certain time period.Relationships, rapports,comfort levels and everything..change all the time.
But i guess it does not mean you do not invest any effort in nurturing them just because they will change soon. Many a times i do feel cheated, cheated because i felt i gave more into something, expecting that things haven't changed, that i will still get the same in return what i'd always been getting, and when i don't, i get disappointed. But then i realise i did give into it because i wanted to, at that time, without the guarantee that it will always respont the way i wish to.
But ok,,its also fun..else life would be very very boring.Imagine everything to be the same forever.....any fun??,,,na!! No thrill, no excitment, no anxiety, no disappointments,no achievements..Ah no fun,,
SO yes i love change,,change is good(ok i did pick it up from the tagline of videocon!;) )..and if u really have no business in life you can count the number of times i've used the word change in this blog..and tell me..cause im really busy..changing!!;)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

jus lik tht

though my first blog..i don't intend to start with a big bang..or anything for that matter..what im doing is just keyboarding down my thoughts which are now suffocating within my head...
Now coming to the point i thought of starting this writing business with the latesht thought on my mind...the validity of "THE SECRET"..and if it really works..or something..Now its been almost a month ever since i read that book..n with due credit to has convinced me in to imagining the things i;d like to have in my though they exist already..One of the many reasons i;d like to believe the secret is a valid theory is because it tries to prove it self on the merit of science.,reasons every aspect with a seemingly possible scientific reason...Now how much of it is real and how much make believe is not worth wasting time on..not that its a petty issue but its just that i know i wont be able to come up with a great explanation on either sides,,
So now comes the point..If we prove that the secret is the only way things happen to us..that is we attract everything in the universe to ourselves and that it is not by a mere luck stroke that things happen..they all happen for a reason..The very holding we give to god and traditions seems invalid,,i mean if only its in our hands to achieve everything through attraction why would we need some divine intervention to really help us..cant we just master attraction and get to help ourselves.,
Now i don't completely believe in either the secret or all the religious values i have heard of..all i really believe is that if something has to happen will whether i knowingly or unknowingly attract it or its someone up there's magic wand..i don't know,,and the innocent little person i am..i don't think i;d want to burden myself into finding out that..
ill just keep hoping that some combination of my wishes and the way i ask them to come true keeps working for the rest of my life..!!,,