Friday, September 25, 2009

Change--The only constant

Nothing is permanent,nothing is constant..I've heard this phrase time and again and after pondering over it..i kinda realised it makes sense..a hell lotta sense,,
As humans we enjoy both change and consistency..But in both cases we have a major conditions apply# and i.e if there is a should be better than the existing condition...and if there is consistency,,then it should be because any change cannot be better than that condition,,
But in 99% cases we do hope for changes..probably because we live on the theory of hope..the cliche that grass is always greener on the other side. However when things do change, we realise that what we had wished for,hoped for, doesnt necessarily make us happier or contented. Infact, many a times change also lets us go of the warm,cozy atmosphere that we create around us during the constant period.
I'd always myself wanted a good mix of change and consistency in my life. I'd always hoped that the good things in my life would never change and that would include the people i love,the reasons people love me. These being the prime aspects as i've always been a person who defines life through the people i've been with.Nothing supersedes the importance of people close to me.
But everything does change,it is mandatory,change is in every sense of the word 'ineveitable'.
People who at one point are everything to you, cease to even exist for you after a certain time period.Relationships, rapports,comfort levels and everything..change all the time.
But i guess it does not mean you do not invest any effort in nurturing them just because they will change soon. Many a times i do feel cheated, cheated because i felt i gave more into something, expecting that things haven't changed, that i will still get the same in return what i'd always been getting, and when i don't, i get disappointed. But then i realise i did give into it because i wanted to, at that time, without the guarantee that it will always respont the way i wish to.
But ok,,its also fun..else life would be very very boring.Imagine everything to be the same forever.....any fun??,,,na!! No thrill, no excitment, no anxiety, no disappointments,no achievements..Ah no fun,,
SO yes i love change,,change is good(ok i did pick it up from the tagline of videocon!;) )..and if u really have no business in life you can count the number of times i've used the word change in this blog..and tell me..cause im really busy..changing!!;)

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